Small churches have a lot of advantages over larger churches. They can be more nimble, intimate, and passionate.
But they also have their share of unique challenges. One of the most common problems faced by small church leaders is how to grow their church when they don’t have many people, or resources, to start with.
In order to achieve any meaningful growth, a small church needs a “big” leader. Not necessarily big stature, but someone with a big heart that is willing to roll up his or her sleeves and get down to business.
What is small church leadership training?
Small church leadership training is an important process for churches with limited resources. It can help to develop the skills of current and future leaders, so that the church can continue to grow and thrive.
Some of the topics that may be covered in small church leadership training include: vision casting, team building, preaching, teaching, pastoral care, and administration. The training can be customized to meet the specific needs of the church.
Small church leadership training is an approach to leadership development that is designed for churches with limited resources. The focus of small church leadership training is on leader effectiveness rather than leader quantity.
Leaders who participate in small church leadership training are typically pastors or key volunteers who have a heart for ministry and a desire to lead their church to greater levels of effectiveness.
The benefits of small church leadership training
Small church leadership training can have a big impact on the life of a congregation. While some people may think that training is only for pastors of large churches, the truth is that any church can benefit from leadership training. When the leaders of a church are equipped with the right tools and knowledge, the entire congregation can reap the rewards.
Some of the benefits of small church leadership training include:
Improved communication
Greater unity among church members
Better understanding of church doctrine
Increased spiritual growth
Small churches are often overlooked when it comes to pastoral training and development, but they can offer some unique benefits. Leaders in small churches often have more opportunities to minister to people in a variety of ways. They also have a greater opportunity to develop personal relationships with members of their congregation.
Small church leadership training can help leaders in these churches learn how to better shepherd their flock, and prevent bad leaders from assuming authority. Training can provide tips on how to preach effectively, manage church finances, and disciple new believers. Leaders in small churches can also learn how to create a vision for their church and develop strategies to reach their community.
The Importance of Leadership Training in Small Churches
In addition to helping the pastor, leadership training can also help other leaders in the church grow. These may include deacons, elders, and other ministry leaders. Leadership training can provide the tools they need to lead and serve effectively in their roles.
One of the most important aspects of any organization is its leadership. This is especially true for small churches, which may only have a handful of people in charge. It is essential that these individuals receive proper training so they can lead the church efficiently and effectively with limited resources.
Church leadership training covers a wide range of topics, from biblical principles to effective management techniques. It can help church leaders to develop their skills and grow in their knowledge of the Bible. It can also give them the tools they need to lead the church in a way that is both spiritually and practically effective.
What to Expect During Small Church Leadership Training
Church leadership training is an important process for any church, regardless of its size. While there are some general things that all churches can expect to learn during leadership training, the specifics will vary depending on the church’s size and stage of development.
Larger churches often have more complex systems and structures that need to be addressed during leadership training. In contrast, smaller churches may place a greater emphasis on developing relationships and building trust. Regardless of the focus, leadership training is an essential part of any church’s growth.
First, the focus of training will likely be on teaching practical skills that can be put into use right away. This may include training on how to manage a budget, recruit volunteers, or preach a sermon. Second, the training will also provide an opportunity for church leaders to come together and build relationships. These relationships can be beneficial for building and sustaining a church plant.
It’s also an opportunity for church leaders to discuss the future of the church. This is especially important in an interim period when the pastor is away. What will you do if he or she isn’t there? How will you deal with problems that come up? Who will handle them? These are all questions that need to be addressed, and it’s good to have all of your team members together so they can discuss it as a group.

3 Leadership Qualities Every Small Church Pastor Needs
The pastor is often the leader and role model for the small church. While their time is stretched thin, it is essential that they receive leadership training to help them grow in their role. Many times, the pastor is also the administrator, fundraiser, and teacher. Leadership training can help them develop skills in each of these areas.
Lead by Example
If you’re leading from a “top, down” position, then you’re not really a leader… you’re a dictator. On the other hand, if you’re merely bending to the whims of your congregation, then you’re just taking the path of least resistance.
Instead, insert yourself into the flock where you can work collaboratively rather than dominating or lagging behind. One way to do this is to form a Bible study group with your key members and natural leaders. This will give you valuable input from the diverse voices in your community.
Empower Those Who Have Shown Initiative
You simply can’t solve all the community’s problems yourself, especially if you are leading a small church while working another job.
Even Jesus didn’t try to do it all himself. Instead, he trained his disciples, which not only freed up his time, but also increased his reach. By the time Jesus went to the cross, he had people who could carry on his ministry after his death.
So “What Would Jesus Do” today? He would identify natural leaders and teach them to people to preach his Gospels and lead the flocks. Likewise, you should empower your members while you coach and encourage them.
Community First Approach
In small towns and rural settings, the community and the congregation are one and the same. Showing up at community events underscores your church’s role in the community. You don’t have to serve on every board or attend every sporting event. Rather, just find ways to be present and visible in the lives of the citizens. Especially during the pandemic, offering mental health and spiritual support may be the most effective way to serve your community. And they won’t forget your kindness.
Church growth is a challenge for any pastor, but it can be especially daunting when starting with a small congregation. In this article, we share some tips that can help you grow your church starting from less than 100 members. If you would like more information, or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We would be happy to help you get your church on the path to growth and success.
thank God the information is so helpful i look forward to hear more as aim church leader who as been leading a small church for quiet some time now. Please i need more help God bless you .Aim from Zambia Africa