Welcome to ChurchGrowth.Net. We are dedicated to helping your church grow to its fullest potential. We apply the principles and techniques of community development in church growth and health. As Jesus Christ clearly instructed his disciples, go and make disciples of all nations.
Spread the good news and let them know of God’s love!
We realize that all churches face unique challenges and we want to help overcome these adversities. We want to see the small churches triumph in the work that they do because that means that they are able to reach more people and bring their flock closer to God.
By contacting ChurchGrowth.Net, it does not necessarily mean that your church is experiencing a major problem. We can also help you strengthen your capacities so that when these challenges arise, you know how to handle them. It is always a good idea to be prepared since churches are dynamic and the circumstances around us may affect us in unpredictable ways.
We apply the principles and techniques of community development in church growth and health. We conduct capacity building activities to help churches withstand the challenges that they are facing or that might arise as they perform their religious duties.
We design seminars that suit the specific needs of each organization. We also develop different material resources such as books, study kits, and videos to further boost the knowledge and capability of the church leaders.
We have a diverse selection of Church Growth Products and Resources for sale in our online store. We guarantee that these books and videos will help you in your efforts to make your church better and stronger.
We invite you to get out of your comfort zone and join us in our ministry of reaching more people, especially to those who are still unchurched.
May we all be instruments of bringing Jesus Christ closer to the people and see the transforming power of God’s love work in their lives.
May your church live long and all your endeavors move you closer to our ultimate goal of making disciples of all nations.
Our Founder – Steven Rainer

A husband and father first, Pastor Steve is dedicated to building Christian Communities through a network of neighborhood churches. His vision is to see each of our campuses on mission to help people in their neighborhoods discover and pursue God’s design. Together we will reach the unchurched with the gospel of Our Lord.