Thinking Through Christianity

Thinking Through Christianity

When we refer to thinking through Christianity, we are basically talking about a more deliberate and contemplative approach to prayer, and to our faith in general. It’s an attempt to break out of the repetitive ruts that we sometimes find, to create a more engaging relationship with God. Or as Thomas Keating, monk and mystic, … Read more

The Acts of the Apostles in Early Church History

The Acts of the Apostles in Early Church History

ChurchGrowth.Net is proud to announce that has joined our family. Faithful Journey was an online resource dedicated to celebrating the Acts of the Apostles in early church history. This represents church growth at its earliest stages. The Acts of the Apostles is unique in the New Testament as it provides an account of the apostles’ … Read more

Church Growth Through Missionary Work

Church Growth Through Missionary Work

Today, the Christian church is still growing at a fairly rapid pace, with an estimated 2.3 billion followers worldwide. A large part of this growth is due to the efforts of religious missions, particularly in South America and Africa.  Missions are groups of Christians who leave their homes and communities to evangelize and spread the … Read more

How Do Churches Make Money?

How Do Churches Make Money?

How do churches make money? Most people think of churches as places where people go to pray and worship God. But many people don’t know that churches are businesses, and like any other type of business, they need to make money to survive. 8 Ways Churches Make Money There are several ways churches make money, … Read more

Starting A New Church Checklist

Starting A New Church Checklist

Starting a new church is a big decision, but some key things to remember as you get started. This handy checklist can help make the process a little easier. So what do you need to do before launching your new church? Keep reading for more information! 12-Point Checklist For Starting A New Church Starting a … Read more

10 Creative Church Service Ideas

creative church service ideas

Though our parents’ and grandparents’ generations went to church differently than we do now, that doesn’t mean we should forsake what they held onto so dearly- their faith. However, by utilizing new technology and worship activities, we can reach people who would have otherwise never been exposed to the gospel in a way that is … Read more